Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bumps and bikes!

My poor little boy! Kian has had more bumps and bruises in the last 6 months than Freya has had in 2,5 years!!! Honestly! He is a real boys boy! Last one was done today and resulted in a bump on his forehead size of an egg!On top of this he also got a snotty nose, sore throat and a cough! Nothing that seems to bother him too much though! And he's said his first "real" word! Guess what - it was Mamma!!!! Yay! And not just the usual "mamama" no it was straight at me as he reached out with his little arms! "Mamma"! That melts a mothers heart!

Freya has learned how to pedal her trike! She is soooo proud! She loves that bike and if anyone tries to touch it....ooohweee! Don't know who she's inherited that temper from...can't be me! ;-) She pedals faaaast and just got hang of the steering though she sometimes ends up in a wall or running someone over... mainly Kian...hmmm, might be on purpose! She would take the bike to bed if we'd let her!
My plan for the "Goodbye old me" and "Hello new me" is almost complete just a few more bits and pieces than I'll tell you all about it!
Have a nice day!


Leah said...

Your kids are so cute!!!!!

LOL to your boy! I know what it's like, I should email you some photos of the damage my kid has done to himself!!!

Unknown said...

I'm really impatient to know about your plan!!
For what happen today : think about me, I have TWO boys!!! I should have shares in a plaster compagny!! lol

Helen said...

OH I can so relate to this. My dd has two permanent loose teeth as she has knocked them so many time! I am trying to make them go the distance until they are meant to fall out. LOL. And yey to peddling! Wait until its a big girl bike and they Scary!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos - poor wee man with his bump on the head. And as for Freya how cool is it when they start learning new tricks.