On a happier note I won Paislee Press designs latest Presslines no.13 Wedding (YAY!) in a blog contest and it really inspired me to do something with our wedding photos... it is 6 years since we got married this summer!!! Can't believe it!!! It feels like yesterday!
Here are some pages from the coming album (click on the images for full credits)
Last but not least.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!!!! Annika turn 35, my "little sister"!!!!!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!!!! Hope you had a great day, I sooo wish we could have been there but I promise to make it up to you when we get home!!! LY!
Have a nice day everyone!
"Life is not about how many breaths you take, but how many moments that takes your breath away"
"Bubbles float high, bubbles float low, bubbles filled with love wherever they go So reach out and grab one - it's my love to you"
Have a nice day!