I know, isn't this kit just FABULOUS!!!!???
Have a nice day!
I know, isn't this kit just FABULOUS!!!!???
Have a nice day!
Thanks everyone for your comments on my "Old me" post - it feels better knowing it's not JUST me! I have a "plan" and I'll get back to you on that one when I got it all in place! ;-)
Have a nice day!
Ok, so I'm not a qualified hairdresser, as you can see... At least he's happy!
Well, our weekend is over and it's "Monday" and back to "work", actually it doesn't really work like that being a SAHM does it... weekend or no weekend we're still "on duty" aren't we!? I find this subject rather intriguing. Before I became a mother I envied mothers who was able to be "at home" all the time and "do what ever they wanted all day" (... if someone came up to me a told me just that, I think I'd punch them right there and then!) Don't take me wrong, I do feel privileged to be able to be home with my children and all that, BUT I miss "me"... You know, the intelligent, -10 postpreg kg woman who went to work, used her brain in intelligent matters... well, obviously that depends on how you define intelligence but I'm talking, numbers (not just 1-5..), meetings (not the ones you have under a sheet in the closet) business lunches (not the ones where food is all over the floor and you need to threaten fellow eaters with what could happen if they don't eat up...) I miss ME!!! I love my children to death and wouldn't change a thing but where am "I"!? Will "I"ever return? I doubt it, actually I know that "I", as I know it, is gone and "Me now" need to get on with it - but first I think i need to have a "Goodbye do" and a "Welcome do" to take farewell of old "Me" and celebrate new "Me" (though I wish the +10 postpreg kg would leave at the "Goodbye do"...) Anyway I'll stop rambling now. Anyone with a suggestion for a good Goodbye and Welcome do? May be there is like a "mothers ritual" I haven't heard of. Any suggestions - send them my way!
Have a nice day!
Have fun playing girls! Will be interesting to see your pages!
They are retarmacing the road outside our house and Kian is stuck to the window watching the digger! It must be something boys are born with... I thought having had a girl first that Kian sort of would follow in her footsteps and like the same things, Oh so wrong I was!!! He is a total opposite! It is all hard toys, anything with wheels and the noisier the better!!! Quite intriguing! This is his version of heaven! Mouth full of dirt and playing on daddy's trailer!The little ones does keep us very busy and sometimes we seem to forget about our four legged children, our dogs, Safi and Tabu... this is how they protest...
after all they where our "first" babies...
Btw, my mojo is back! I've been scrapping all morning! Yay! Can't post anything yet but you'll see it soon!
Have a nice day!
Life is too short - enjoy it whilst it lasts!
Have a nice day!