This is Freya with her fairy wings, she loves them!!! She's a real girly girl at the moment it is all fairies, princesses and ballerinas.

I also managed to get a GSO for it, YAY! Thank you, Sandra!
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
Have a great day!
Journaling is about Freya and her desire to do everything her self at the moment! Click on the image for full credits.
Have a Great day and weekend!
As I said earlier even though I've been flat out I've managed to squeeze in some scrapping at night after putting the kids to bed and got a couple of GSO's @ DST for them and a BOB mentioning as well over at Catscrap!! Yay! Always nice to be recognised!
Click on images for full credits
The last one is for the Doodle challenge over at Catscrap, head on over and join in! Such good fun!!!
Have a great day!
Journaling is another great poem I found on the net, it reads
I AM not yours I AM not His or Hers I AM not the color of my skin or the house I live in I AM not the books I've read or the people I've led I AM not my resume or the person I was yesterday I AM not the clothes I've worn or the person you mourn I AM not the choices I made or the check I got paid I AM not my first or last name or someone for you to blame I AM not the school I attended or the fences I've mended I AM not a punching bag or someone for you to gag I AM not the world's martyr or something to barter I AM a human BEING I exist, therefore I AM. -Nandi Baldwin-
Have a great day!
"I am a child, All the world waits for my coming All the earth watches with interest To see what I shall become. The future hangs in the balance, For what I am The world of tomorrow will be. I am a child, I have come into your world about which I know nothing. Why I came I know not. How I came I know not. I am curious I am interested. I am a child, You hold in your hand my destiny. You determine, largely, whether I shall succeed or fail. Give me, I pray you, Those things that make for happiness. Train me, I beg you, That I may be a blessing to the world"-This statement, written in Chinese and English, appears at the entrance to the Guideposts Kindergarten in Hong Kong-
Therese also have a post on the subject over at her blog with a stunning layout of her daughter!
Have a nice day!
One of my favorite photos of Sean and Kian
Credits to Creashens "Masks. no.1" and Paislee Press "Northshore"
Have a nice day!
You all have a great day!