Can you believe it is already September tomorrow!!! OMG!!! Where did the time go??? We have had such a busy and wonderful summer.
First with our holiday back home in Sweden and then my brother and his girlfriend came to visit us here for 3 weeks, only left us Thursday last week. Now we are trying to get back to "normal" again but got news from the nursery that they have postponed the start until the end of September due to the new influenza... Poor kids are going to go mad and me too!!!
So to keep them busy I enrolled Freya for some "ballet"classes since she literally lives in her ballerina outfit and today was the first class - needless to say she LOVED it! She tippy toed all over the place, did pirouettes, splits and skips, stopped, shouted BRAVO at her self and bowed!!! *LOL*
She was the entertainment of the hour! One of the other little girls sat down besides me and said "she is sooo cute"! Where do they get everything from!?
A little side story of funny things that's been said - Yesterday, Freya did something she shouldn't and I told her off, she then sat down with her arms crossed over her chest and said "Mamma, I don't know!" I answered "what don't you know?" She "If I like you anymore!" Me "Ah, don't say that then I'll get sad" She stands up comes over to me and put her hand on my shoulder "Ah, Mamma, don't worry I'll find you a new home"!!!!!!!!!
Anyway... thought I'll post some pictures for a change so here's some from Oman
First out - Kian trying on Freya's sunglasses... no comments!

Freya trying out her snorkeling kit...

This is the view from our roof top

Whilst my brother was here we did some sightseeing...
A typical view

Here we are in one the many great wadis, this is the entrance and you trek for about an hour up in the wadi where you finally jump in a pool and then swim and walk for another 15 min to come to a rock wall with a "key hole", depending on how high the water level is you either swim under or squeeze through it into a cave with a waterfall.... GORGEOUS!

Note 2 small figures on the edge of the cliff... me and my brothers girlfriend!

Trekking ... midday,+ 40 degrees C....

The pools

Me in action

A beach with a stranded turtle

Another beach

a local

The zink hole... a natural phenomena with tunnels up into the mountains and the sea. The water is brackish and stunning. Stopped for a swim

Sunrise in Oman

Beautiful country isn't it!?
Think this has to do for this time... will be back soon!
Have a great day!